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Applied Kinesiology / AK or Clinical Kinesiology /CK is a form of diagnosis using muscle testing as a primary feedback mechanism to examine how a persons body is functioning. When properly applied, the outcome of an AK diagnosis can determine the best form of therapy for the patient. Since AK draws together the core elements of many complementary therapies, it provides an interdisciplinary approach to health care. In general, the applied kinesiologist finds a muscle that tests weak and then attempts to determine why that muscle is not functioning properly (*note that this is a 'functional weakness' not correctable by exercises alone). The practitioner will then evaluate and apply the therapy that will best eliminate the muscle weakness(es) and help the patient.  In other terms it is a system that evaluates structural, chemical and mental aspects of health using manual muscle testing combined with other standard methods of diagnosis. AK, a non-invasive system of evaluating body function that is unique in the healing arts, has become a dynamic movement in health care in its relatively short existence.

The combined terms “applied” and “kinesiology” describe the basis of this system, which is the use of manual muscle testing to evaluate body function through the dynamics of the musculoskeletal system.

Therapies or treatments utilized can include specific joint manipulation or mobilization, spinal adjustments, various myofascial therapies, cranial techniques, meridian therapy, clinical nutrition, dietary management and various reflex procedures. In some cases, the examiner may test for environmental or food sensitivities.

Many lay people and unfortunately even some professionals claim that they 'do' or  'practice' Applied Kinesiology, although I've retired my membership to the ICAK I am still accepting new patients on a part time basis.  


What is the educational background of an applied kinesiologist?

It takes hundreds of hours of study and years of practice to perfect the multitude of diagnostic techniques that have been developed in AK. In fact, any AK practitioner will tell you that s/he is constantly refining and developing manual muscle testing skills and the interpretation of the test results.


Does applied kinesiology replace standard examinations?


Applied kinesiology is used in addition to standard diagnostics to help determine the cause or the best path to help a health issue.

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