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The Triad of Health

Applied Kinesiologists- Leaders in Integrated Health


Over 25 Years of Alternative Healthcare

Our purpose is to serve, assist and empower our patients through Chiropractic, Applied / Clinical Kinesiology and Whole Food Nutrition to maximize their health potential to turn health care into self care.  Providing a transformational approach to health instead of transactional approach. 

Steven L Robertson is one of a few doctors in the state of Tennessee and a handful throughout the U.S. that holds both a Diplomate in Clinical Nutrition and his certification in Applied Kinesiology. He started his personal health journey in 1992 when he was introduced to a rather odd type of practice (usually within the Chiropractic Profession) called Applied Kinesiology or AK.  He has been a Professional Applied Kinesiologist since 1997, a licensed Chiropractor since 1998, a Diplomate in Clinical Nutrition since 2010 and currently has over 900 Post-graduate education hours in various  courses and continues his passion of learning today.  Dr. Robertson is certified by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition and Tennessee Board of Chiropractic Examiners, he is a current member of the International College of Applied Kinesiology and a past member of The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association and Tennessee Chiropractic Association. 

Within the specialty of AK and CK the visual model of The Triad of Health enlists the three basic causes of health problems.  They are structural, chemical, and mental, with structure as the base of the triad. Literally, all health problems, whether functional or pathological, are involved with one part or all parts of the triad. This is not new to chiropractic, as its founder, D.D. Palmer states in his text, “The Science, Art, and Philosophy of Chiropractic,” “The determining causes of disease are traumatism, poison and autosuggestion.” AK enables the doctor to evaluate the triad’s functional balance and direct therapy toward the imbalanced side or sides.

The physician who is aware of the triad of health, and evaluates every patient for all three sides, increases his ability to find the basic underlying cause of a patient´s health problem. AK skills are developed and approved by the International College of Applied Kinesiology Board of Standards.

These skills are refined from many disciplines including Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Medicine, Dentistry, Acupuncture, Biochemistry, Psychology, Homeopathy, and Naturopathy etc.  Members of these professions share knowledge through the publications and conferences of the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK) and its chapters.

An example of a chemical issue causing a physical symptom may be a gut flora imbalance that causes lower back symptoms. Utilizing Applied Kinesiology enables the practitioner to evaluate the triad's balance and direct therapy toward the imbalanced side or sides.

Many lay people and even professionals make claims that they 'do'  or  'practice'  Applied Kinesiology, although I've retired my ICAK Membership in mid 2023 I was a member in good standing for 19 years but no longer support the direction of the organization.

Dr. Robertson's practice is an outgrowth of the increasing need for natural healthcare solutions that is evident in today’s society. Diabetes, hypothyroidism and hormonal imbalances are on the rise along with many other countless chronic degenerative conditions. Our goal is to educate you in order that you transform from health care to self care.  Steve is a 1991 graduate of the University of Tennessee and a 1998 graduate of Life University, School of Chiropractic in Atlanta Georgia he also received his Diplomate in Clinical Nutrition in 2010 through the Chiropractic Board of Clinical Nutrition (retired diplomate status 1/12/23).

He is dedicated to the betterment of Human Health through Chiropractic, Applied Kinesiology and Clinical Nutrition.  He has studied numerous years while in school and post-graduate professional seminars in pursuit of knowledge as it pertains to health, lifestyle and well-being. His span of patients range from new-born infants, elderly, Olympic & Professional Athletes, weekend warriors and to those whom have had surgeries for their areas of complaint.


The following is an article from 2001 Time Magazine about Dr George Goodheart and Applied Kinesiology

Developer of Applied Kinesiology – Dr. George Goodheart

By Janice M. Horowitz Monday, Apr. 16, 2001

A meat-eating Republican who wears a coat and tie everywhere, including at the breakfast table, George Goodheart wouldn’t seem to have a New Age bone in his body–until you get him talking about bones and muscles.

Like his father before him, Goodheart, 82, was trained as a chiropractor. But then, nearly 40 years ago, he began to focus not just on skeletal structure but also on the hundreds of muscles that support the bones. He thinks of them as the body’s ambassadors–engaged in a constant, lively communication with the rest of the body. He developed a system, known as applied kinesiology, in which the muscles and surrounding nerves are manipulated not only to alleviate ordinary aches and pains but also to diagnose and treat organic diseases.

Linking muscle dysfunction to diseased organs is not entirely out of the mainstream. For years doctors measured thyroid function by testing how fast the tibial muscle jerks when the Achilles tendon is tapped. But for Goodheart, muscle testing is the diagnostic gold standard. He prods and palpates patients head to toe, searching for tiny tears where muscles attach to bone. These tears feel, he says, like “a bb under a strip of raw bacon.” When “directional pressure” is applied, the bb’s flatten, and slack muscles snap back, their strength restored.

And that, says Goodheart, may help strengthen a weakened organ. Goodheart believes that muscles and organs are linked by the same invisible neuropathways and meridian lines tweaked by acupuncturists. It took Goodheart years to ferret out the connections: the shoulders’ deltoids map to the lungs; glutei maximi in the butt to the prostate; and the psoas that run through the groin to kidneys.

Even taste sensations can travel through the brain and loop back to muscles. Tasting a nutrient, he says, stimulates an area of the brain responsible for muscle reflexes, so that a patient with a liver condition can swirl bile salts on his tongue and feel his pectorals strengthen.

That may be hard for doctors to swallow, but Goodheart’s patients in his Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich., center swear he gets results–as do the patients of thousands of applied kinesiologists worldwide who now practice his techniques.,9171,999708,00.html



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